Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hello New Year

As the new year rolls around, we will hear the saying "out with the old and in with the new." Is everything in life really that simple? Making sure we keep those relationships in tact and keep friends close and enemies closer.Picking up the pieces and getting things back in order. Stop living for others and live for you. Often times when we get into relationships, "I" becomes "we" and lose ourselves. Don't be that person this year, instead take what matters to you and make that the priority. If you have dreams remember to dream big and keep your eye on the prize. Make 2010 the year to bust out and live like you are free. Live and love like never before. Do it safely and keep those resolutions at the top of the list.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Gift giving

With the holiday season comes a lot of shopping. I hope this is helping the economy. It takes some thought when it comes to picking the right gift. It depends on how well you know the person, how long you've know them, is this a coworker,all these factors will determine the type of gift you should get them. The gift has to be appropriate for each person. Even with knowing that information, it can still be hard to make a decision. You can never go wrong with candles though. That is one gift that I consider a unisex gift, it can be for a male or female. A gift cards to a favorite restaurant or store would be great gifts also. Clothes are the number one gift that should not be given unless you know the size of the person! My mom can't buy clothes for me because we don't have the same taste and that would be wrong for me to not let her see me wear it at least once. I hope everyone will be pleased with their gifts. Let the season be joyful

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Commercialized Christmas

The leaves are turning colors and falling. The temperature is a bit brisk and steadily declining. Every commercial on T.V. is about holiday gift giving and sales, sales, sales. You couldn't ignore the holiday even if you wanted to. I think a lot of people feel obligated to give gifts, but if you can't buy anything, don't. I think Christmas has become too commercialized. What happened to the real reason for the season? What happened to spending time with family and creating new video memories of the holiday. We used to do that every year when I was a kid and now we're all grown up and live in different places. It would be nice to have things back to they were they were, but those memories will always be with me.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What is considered news?

Hello all. I think having a blog is a great tool to voice your opinion about anything you think is worth writing about. I watch the CBS evening news every night and I was enraged to see that Tiger Woods had once again made the headlines. The evening news should consist of world issues or things that reflect the general population. Leave the celebrity gossip and their mishaps to Entertainment Tonight or TMZ. That's why we have certain shows or programs to cover certain topics and people.