Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Time to Relax!!

Take a deep breath in, let it out. That felt so great! I actually have time to relax, kick my feet up, and do what I've been wanting to do for the longest, unwind. I bought a puzzle in December to help keep me clam and relaxed, but I haven't payed it any attention because of being so busy. I said that this year I would like to slow down and take it easy by not rushing to do everything all at once, pretty difficult to master right now but I will continue trying. Going to the library and checking out books and movies is something that I used to do at least once a week, so taking a trip there is a must. Time to rejuvenate.!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Twana,

    I am hoping to begin to relax tomorrow. A friend is trying to lure me to the movies and I think I just might make it this week. It has been months since I have seen a movie at the theater! Better make some popcorn to smuggle in because I cannot eat the theater popcorn.
